
Welcome to the Council of Elrond! Here we will explore a whole range of Tolkien-related matters and subjects. This is an open forum and I am not an expert so please feel free to disagree, correct me, or otherwise engage is intellectual discussion. Tolkien is cool like that!

Be sure to check out the Tolkien quote of the week every Wednesday after 12 EST.

Beware of spoilers for those who haven’t read LOTR and on a lesser note those who haven’t read The Silmarillion. I will try to flair with the text the book is discussing although a knowledge of the content isn't always required.

Use of common abbreviations for books, events, and times may be used. Examples would include FOTR for The Fellowship of the Ring, WR for War of the Ring, and FA for First Age.

I don't own the title "The Council of Elrond" and the accompanying quote, the backdrop photo, and the font I wrote it in.

Happy reading!

A Section of my Tolkien Library


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