Why Boromir Was Not a Bad Guy

We all know about the tragedy that takes place at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring; Boromir’s betrayal of the Fellowship’s trust and his mission. Although we start catching glimpses of the catastrophe that will come to the Fellowship and the Quest long before, I think it still comes somewhat as a surprise to the reader. However, should this really be a surprise? Considering the pull of the Ring, someone was bound to bend under its influence. Does the fact that the someone was Boromir make him evil? I know that his betrayal is a sore blow to the Quest, but was it necessary for its completion? I think it might not only have been necessary but the essential element that propelled the Quest to the finish line. The Ring’s Effects From the very beginning, even as far back as Chapter 1 “A Long-Expected Party”, the Ring’s pull is evidenced in the confrontation between Bilbo and Gandalf. When Gandalf requests that Bilbo leave...